Saturday, March 19, 2011

Weekend and... Holiday?

A short simple update before I'm going for bed. Today, finally Ethnic is over! Today is our presentation day for Ethnic, although in the process it is quite random and not so smooth, I mean the preparation period, but at last, we've made it and I feel proud of your all contribution. Thanks you guys! Yup I'm not the presenter, I'm the one who stand beside and click the slides. My 2 minutes video is quite random too (again), I realize my computer don't have Windows Movie Maker then I just download one Windows Live Movie Maker. It is really simple to use, as it offers quite a limited number of settings, and that's why I can finish it faster.

All the funny parts such as showing the food and the clothes, even the Q&A sessions, making me feel real good. Haha... Funny... Good job to all of my team members, cheers!

So tomorrow, later is Saturday, its time for CC Trip. To Pulau Pangkor again, and I hope, this time will be just full of fun! Yey! Looking forward to it. Time to have short sleep too, night.

p/s: I'm seriously broke! Thanks bro Zack Ann =)


  1. lol...kena pulang punya..thanks for bringing me out too...kamsamhamida

  2. is not later is saturday, is today already is saturday la...supermoon day

  3. "offers quite a limited number of settings..."
    means it offers many settings or few settings?
