从上星期日说起,提一提我剩下的记忆…那天是我朋友们剃头的大日子!难得吧。因为他们参加舞蹈比赛,跳的是中国扇舞。我觉得应该不算是传统…可是本人没什么研究,只懂得看。对,那天晚上当然有去捧我朋友们的场咯!UM Festival Seni 08/09。那天是华人和印度人的分组舞蹈比赛,很少有机会看着类型的比赛,说来也蛮多惊喜的。当晚华人的舞蹈居多都是走优美路线,音乐都是抒情节奏慢的,惟有我们2nd这一队是很明显用了蛮轻快的歌曲和舞蹈。虽然说他们已经练习了很多次,可是我没有看过一次完整的,那晚真的让我大开眼界,也真正看到了他们的努力,一点也不简单,花的时间和心机是值得的。虽然蛮意外的,我们没得到第一的荣衔,可是想跟他们说的是,我觉得他们的表现是当晚最特别的了。最难忘的那一幕就是他们全部排成一排在耍扇的表情,我看到崇文和在和真的笑得很高兴,整个气氛都融洽了起来。不管结果是如何,加油!你们是最棒的!
之后又回到了现实,发现我一点也没有为Titas presentation做到东西,心虚了…哈哈…星期四就是了。还有就是更重要的,APK Selling Days!星期四…忙!
或许是准备不足,当天真的好乱,也可能本来就是那么忙乱的…我们整组人八点多就到KPS那里的摊位准备开档。当中发生的第一件事就是,煮好的一大盆珍珠倒了…意外了点。算,重新煮锅。开始摆摊时还没什么,直到十点多,预订好的130打Big Apple Donuts终于抵达,兴奋了几秒钟罢了,接下来就是忙得不可开交。一来,所有的预订单和盒子的牌位都不是顺序的,但但又从那百多个盒子里寻找一个号码已经很吃时间了…而且又损坏了一些盒子和donut。搞到来,我们已经超出原本预计要delivery的时间,严重迟到。没什么拉到当天来往的顾客,因为全程我们都只是在忙我们的预订单,所幸的是当天买的二十打也卖完了,三点多就准备收档,在下雨之前。因为位子有限,我们的东西还摆到隔壁档口,忙起来也没理会当天来给分的讲师,真是好笑…我的珍珠奶茶也没泡好几杯,都是在赶工作…没吃午餐,一直到两点多才觉得饿了,才开始喝水…大家忙得有点可怜。而且就是工作分配的问题,导致有些人会很忙,有些人想帮忙可是又不知从何起手…不过庆幸的是,大家都很团结的做了自己的本分!
当天下午四点我就和Titas的同族组员系友们赶回宿舍,准备去上课。那天课堂里竟然有位意见好多的同学,不妙。好不容易,有惊无险的过了这一次我们第一次的presentation,虽然我只是站在一旁啦…正,莉雯,Izzuddin,Syakir,诗健,Well done哦!很对不起这次我没帮到上任何忙。那天大家都累了…还有,那天是我第一次吃那么多donut的,大概吃了五六个,好好吃!还有我和室友有定了Domino pizza,又有的吃!高兴!虽然冷了…
So delicious!
Domino's Pizza!
星期五是第二天的selling day。那天我睡迟了,因为很懒咯…哈哈!我的早餐就是前一天留下来的两个donut,一大清早就是那么甜的东西,算是幸福吗?当天只摆档到十二点多,手头上的订单很快就处理掉了,因为比较少了。那天我就很忙的在摇 bubble tea,不知自己做得如何,希望还过得了关。就是这一天,更累了,下午的下雨天让我睡个不停,除了醒来做lab一小时后又是睡。太舒服了!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
星期四,十九日:早上依然爬起来上课了。下午两点的考试也是我蛮期待的一课,我不是很会,但至少我很有兴趣,Programming。也许我应该去读电脑工程系吧…但面对那些不确定的题目,还是乱了一下,很多那些看不懂的东西,算了吧,虽然是占十巴仙。三点过后我就去Economic Faculty找朋友,目的:收钱咯。大苹果的预订单,哈哈!突然觉得自己很尽责,老远走过去收钱,不错吧!晕倒。目前的成绩自己还有点意外,我这样的人际关系也卖了一些订单,超出我的预算了,当然还有些失望的,有些自己想得到的订单竟然走失了,算了吧!
星期五,二十日:也就是今天,本来是要出去的,可是换去明天了,下午有课,虽然懒惰,可是还是去了。出席的人可是少得可怜,而且场景也蛮危险,分分钟会被叫下去作答。我今天还想睡个够,只是我睡到一点,只然觉得好累,老去了。算是休日的日子,所以才有时间和闲情写这篇部落格。匆匆的一周,还没来得及喘气就过去了。下星期又在等着我,APK,TITAS Presentation等等的。无言,无止尽。
我仰望着天 最后什么也看不见
总擦不干 对你的眷恋
却不会累 得不到你安慰 好可悲
你温柔的双眼 填满我渴望的爱恋
想忘却忘不了的 继续失眠
却不后悔 追随已经乏味 好卑微
我掏空的心碎 抵不过对你的思念
想治却治不好的 继续失眠
想忘却忘不掉的 不断失眠
想治却治不好的 继续思念
我仰望着天 最后什么也看不见
written by: yet
2006/7/4 00:45pm
星期四,十九日:早上依然爬起来上课了。下午两点的考试也是我蛮期待的一课,我不是很会,但至少我很有兴趣,Programming。也许我应该去读电脑工程系吧…但面对那些不确定的题目,还是乱了一下,很多那些看不懂的东西,算了吧,虽然是占十巴仙。三点过后我就去Economic Faculty找朋友,目的:收钱咯。大苹果的预订单,哈哈!突然觉得自己很尽责,老远走过去收钱,不错吧!晕倒。目前的成绩自己还有点意外,我这样的人际关系也卖了一些订单,超出我的预算了,当然还有些失望的,有些自己想得到的订单竟然走失了,算了吧!
星期五,二十日:也就是今天,本来是要出去的,可是换去明天了,下午有课,虽然懒惰,可是还是去了。出席的人可是少得可怜,而且场景也蛮危险,分分钟会被叫下去作答。我今天还想睡个够,只是我睡到一点,只然觉得好累,老去了。算是休日的日子,所以才有时间和闲情写这篇部落格。匆匆的一周,还没来得及喘气就过去了。下星期又在等着我,APK,TITAS Presentation等等的。无言,无止尽。
我仰望着天 最后什么也看不见
总擦不干 对你的眷恋
却不会累 得不到你安慰 好可悲
你温柔的双眼 填满我渴望的爱恋
想忘却忘不了的 继续失眠
却不后悔 追随已经乏味 好卑微
我掏空的心碎 抵不过对你的思念
想治却治不好的 继续失眠
想忘却忘不掉的 不断失眠
想治却治不好的 继续思念
我仰望着天 最后什么也看不见
written by: yet
2006/7/4 00:45pm
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Sunrises! Popping out behind clouds
First sunrise! ... During our MMK trip to Sg. Lembing and Kuantan for two days and one night. We gather and depart at around 10pm of 6th March, then we are heading to Puduraya bus terminal station to have our bus at 12am. It starts sharply at 12am, meaning that we have started our journey! Our first destination is terminal bus of Kuantan.
There are 28 of us participating this trip. If not mistaken... Hehe. Not all are from same project, but also some seniors following us to have fun! I keep on wondering whether I should go this trip or not before this, but from the moment I step on the bus, I make my mind clear again, I really hope that I can enjoy these days, being together with all my friends, beautiful scenery, attractive food etc. However I just bring too much emotions there, as my mind is complicated these few weeks. In the progress of trying to get out from those exam pressure and living stress, I wish that I could have fun.
I think I have gone so far from this topic... Haha! Come back! I think almost of us sleep through the journey to Kuantan, which is four hours from Pudu. And we know that we need to climb up a mountain as we reach there. I bring two bags there, which I think its quite enough for me for two days, Haha! Finally we reach Kuantan at four something, ShiJian's mother, sister and handsome cousin is waiting for us. Haha, its ShiJian himself that calls his cousin handsome one. We are just followers. We then get on the bus we rent to go to Sg. Lembing, which is around one hour from the bus terminal. After reach there, we start walking, talking and taking our breathe before climbing the mountain. It is the forst time I've been there. Climbing up! Oh my God, non-stop stairs are in front or us, we manage to, finally, get up to the top of the mountain, but all of us are seem so exhausted of it! Wuahaha, sweaty, and the breeze is quite cold. We wait for the sunrise from 5.30am till 6 something, but all that I can see is dark sky. My handphone doesn't really work in such twilight situation. Haiz... Then finally the sun rise up (maybe) started with some rays on the clouds. Yup, the clouds are so beautiful, a bit pure white, added with some blue, orange, red, or yellow colours on it, but there are too much of clouds! We can just barely watch the ray of sun, instead of the real sun popping out of the sky. We chat and take photos over there, then after that we go down the mountains, as well as stairs... Tired, and hungry.
Huhu, me with tired face.
Next up, its our breakfast time. We eat Lembing noodles and taufu, I think its quite famous there. The taufu is so soft, smooth, and of course tasty! After that, we plan to walk around the streets to but some special products, but it starts to rain heavily, so we can just wait and buy some local food such as biscuits. We also get the chance to visit to Museum, but the rain is gettin heavier.
We leave Sg. Lembing for our rented house. An hour passes again. Haha, here I want to say that I'm really surprise of the house we rent! Triple storey house! Seven rooms! How big is it, and I feel so comfortable of it, when I get to fit myself in the top room in the house. I enjoy bathing using warm water, I enjoy cool air-conditioner, I enjoy the feeling of staying in a "house"... After I bath I could just sleep over one hour at there before the next activity. Hehe, since everybody seems so energetic and excited of being together, but I'm sleeping in such enjoyable place! Wow... 3pm we are heading to East Coast Mall, one of the shopping centre at Kuantan. I heard that it is still quite new, and can be seen obviously also, the feeling of walking inside is quite similiar to KL type. But here I wish to complaint about the ATM, there are so many ATM machine, but all are "temporaily out of service", except one which is long-queued. Sweat. I didn't but anything from there, just walking around the shops and observing people and decorations.
5pm, we are going to a park nearby, so as to walk around and take photos. That site is quite near from the beach, and there is also a lake. Of course, we enjoy the time walking there, and looking at them whose taking funny photos... Hocky's funny album so called. 6pm we have our dinnner, seafood time! seven dishes containing fish, prawns, cuttlefish etc... One word: Delicious! I have a great lost, that I just eat one prawn in that dinner, anyway, I'm so full of other dishes! Nice recommend! 8pm, we are going to another shopping complex, called Megamall, we just walk around there, some are buying things, and some are playing games. That time is quite free for me, feel like nothing to do after eating... Hehe, rest time. Then after that we plan to eat "ikan bakar" at a famous restaurant nearby the sea, but unfortunately it is too crowded, not enough space for us, so we can do nothing. We reach back to our lovely house at ten something, then... I'm the one who sleep first in my room. Can't believe it? That's truth. Most of them still playing cards and Killa games over down there, but I'm having my big dreams... Haha! Means that I've lost my night time with them.
Green, lotus, lake.
Me, and SeeLing, director of MMK!
Delicious cuttlefish, first dishes! Next up...
No time to take photo, busy eating. Hehe.
Lovely rooms!
The first day ends, then after few hours, I wake up at 5am. Quite early, because the next activity is going to beach! I;ve so long time didn't touch the beach and sea. Quite excited of it. We go to Teluk Cempedak 1 and we get start of the day. Feeling cool breeze from the ocean, nice scenery, continuous waves hitting on our legs. We are just "feeling" and waiting for the sunrise. Again, unluckily the clouds are trying to block our views. I see much colourful clouds, plus the reflection of the ocean. We play ourself against the waves too.
We take much photos before we really get into the sea.
As our breakfast, we eat curry noodles, quite ok, but its different from the first day's one. It is still 8am. After that we only go to Teluk Cempedak 2 to go into the sea. Most of us ace having nice time by playing water and muds... Haha! Not bad, muds. We cross a long bridge between TC1 to TC2, and I manage to take much photos in the process.
We play till 10.30am, then we finally take a great family photos of all participants of this trip. We also have our lunch, "cendol" and rojak mee, before going back. Our bus to KL is departing at 2.30pm, and our trip has just ended. Many of us just sleep on the bus until we reach Pudu at 6pm. We walk around at Petaling Street and eat again. Hokkien mee, and "ikan bakar". Spending few hours at there, and finally we reach back our hostel at 9pm. Quite tired, but I also stay until this hours.
Rojak mee.
Hehe, thanks for everyone who contributes to this trip, especially ShiJian and his family. His mother accompanis us during this trip, and she has recommended such nice food and house to us. Thanks! His mother seems so energetic even at the first day before we clomb mountain, it is still 4.30am. Wow! Last but not least to MMK for having this trip, a great hug to my friends and seniors. Hope that everyone has good times in these two days!
Here is just my photos. Still have so so many from others especially JunHuan.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Little More Enjoyable
Yesterday, 4th March, of course firstly I want to greet my roommate, Talung, a great HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Here to wish him again, although I'm a bit late to write down, but I think best wishes are always won't be too late. Hehe. Wish him will enjoy his everyday, and dreams come true, and always stay healthy, and also quickly find a girlfriend. Then he won't be too lonely to pass his times. Wuahaha.
Well, the celebration for Talung isn't my idea, I think mostly is Zen's one. I feel quite "guilty" for not participating in the process during the "celebration" is going on. I'm late to the venue. That's why... How sad I am... Haha. But never mind, many people is joining that "activity". I just heard that he is brought to Tenggayun, and he is "fasten" quite properly on a chair, then the most important part! Using toothpaste, ice water, ice cubes, flour, balloon filled with water etc. And the most middle part, I think I could only jump over it, as I'm not at the scene... When I just reached there, he already becomes a white man. Haha, full of flour over his body, plus the heavy smell of toothpaste. When he is set free from the chair, he starts chasing people around, quite funny, and I'm quite scare of him also, for that moment. But he seems enjoy and happy with it, well done, especially Zen. He risks his own safety to ride motorcycle to buy a cake from PJ, quite nice banana cake. Haha. Haiz, I didn't take part in it, I just share money to buy a present for him. Forgive me, forgive me... Hehe.
Colourful balloons filled with water.
Talung, with WeiJun, JoEe, Ken, Zen, and me.
And today I didn't spend much time with him about celebrating, as my class seems quite full, tired of them. Today morning 8am class is a big shock. While m coursemates and I are still quite sleepy, the lecturer suddenly gives us an assignment, or can be called "test". We all are not prepared yet for it, and we just rush to finish it. When the class ends, we can't manage to finish it, and we misunderstand that the lecturer said we can hand in later by today. Who knows, his mean is, he wants us to hand in just after the class. As a result, he doesn't want to receive our works, and we will get a zero... Oh my God! We manage to finish it, but just late for a while, and we just misunderstand his words, then we get... Almost disappointed. We find him at his office and try to explain to him, but he refuses to hear any reason. What can we do... At least twenty papers are not accepted.
Then I'm totally fainted during Calculus class, as my name is keep on called by my lecturer. What can I do... Ignored. Afternoon, during the programming lab session, suddenlt we are given a test, luckily its not that hard and I still can finish it. I'm so scared to get some tricky questions. Another shock for today.
After I finish my class at 6pm, I just to eat because I plan to go out with my coursemates at 7pm. We are going to Mid Valley, aimed to watch movie, eat, and buy needs. However, the cinema seems so crowded and not much available movie, not much choice for us, then we just leave, cancelling the mind to watch movie. We shopping at Carefour and Jusco, and I buy a lot of food. Haha, hope that they will be quite enough till study week next month. Before come back, we still manage to eat McDonald, tasty French Fries!!! We reach college at around 11.45pm.
People who are going out today is SiuYing, AiTing, YokeTing, Liwan, Yun, ShiJian, ChaiHoe and me. Quite nice environment when we buy things. I feel like I've been busy for so long time without going out... Haha. Actually not. Sorry for didn't join my roommates, since Zen, Talung and Ken are also going to Mid Valley at around 8.30pm. But I'm with coursemates. Haha.
Shining mirror disco ball! AiTing, Yun, SiuYing, LiWan, and YokeTing.
At bus stop. ShiJian, YokeTing, SiuYing, AiTing, Yun, ChaiHoe, and LiWan.
Final exam is just six weeks from now!!! Emergency!!! Mid term tests are around the corners also. Next week we may have three tests. So worry of it. This semester is quite short, making my time becomes so packed. I think many understand this situation... OK, goodnight.
Well, the celebration for Talung isn't my idea, I think mostly is Zen's one. I feel quite "guilty" for not participating in the process during the "celebration" is going on. I'm late to the venue. That's why... How sad I am... Haha. But never mind, many people is joining that "activity". I just heard that he is brought to Tenggayun, and he is "fasten" quite properly on a chair, then the most important part! Using toothpaste, ice water, ice cubes, flour, balloon filled with water etc. And the most middle part, I think I could only jump over it, as I'm not at the scene... When I just reached there, he already becomes a white man. Haha, full of flour over his body, plus the heavy smell of toothpaste. When he is set free from the chair, he starts chasing people around, quite funny, and I'm quite scare of him also, for that moment. But he seems enjoy and happy with it, well done, especially Zen. He risks his own safety to ride motorcycle to buy a cake from PJ, quite nice banana cake. Haha. Haiz, I didn't take part in it, I just share money to buy a present for him. Forgive me, forgive me... Hehe.
Colourful balloons filled with water.
Talung, with WeiJun, JoEe, Ken, Zen, and me.
And today I didn't spend much time with him about celebrating, as my class seems quite full, tired of them. Today morning 8am class is a big shock. While m coursemates and I are still quite sleepy, the lecturer suddenly gives us an assignment, or can be called "test". We all are not prepared yet for it, and we just rush to finish it. When the class ends, we can't manage to finish it, and we misunderstand that the lecturer said we can hand in later by today. Who knows, his mean is, he wants us to hand in just after the class. As a result, he doesn't want to receive our works, and we will get a zero... Oh my God! We manage to finish it, but just late for a while, and we just misunderstand his words, then we get... Almost disappointed. We find him at his office and try to explain to him, but he refuses to hear any reason. What can we do... At least twenty papers are not accepted.
Then I'm totally fainted during Calculus class, as my name is keep on called by my lecturer. What can I do... Ignored. Afternoon, during the programming lab session, suddenlt we are given a test, luckily its not that hard and I still can finish it. I'm so scared to get some tricky questions. Another shock for today.
After I finish my class at 6pm, I just to eat because I plan to go out with my coursemates at 7pm. We are going to Mid Valley, aimed to watch movie, eat, and buy needs. However, the cinema seems so crowded and not much available movie, not much choice for us, then we just leave, cancelling the mind to watch movie. We shopping at Carefour and Jusco, and I buy a lot of food. Haha, hope that they will be quite enough till study week next month. Before come back, we still manage to eat McDonald, tasty French Fries!!! We reach college at around 11.45pm.
People who are going out today is SiuYing, AiTing, YokeTing, Liwan, Yun, ShiJian, ChaiHoe and me. Quite nice environment when we buy things. I feel like I've been busy for so long time without going out... Haha. Actually not. Sorry for didn't join my roommates, since Zen, Talung and Ken are also going to Mid Valley at around 8.30pm. But I'm with coursemates. Haha.
Shining mirror disco ball! AiTing, Yun, SiuYing, LiWan, and YokeTing.
At bus stop. ShiJian, YokeTing, SiuYing, AiTing, Yun, ChaiHoe, and LiWan.
Final exam is just six weeks from now!!! Emergency!!! Mid term tests are around the corners also. Next week we may have three tests. So worry of it. This semester is quite short, making my time becomes so packed. I think many understand this situation... OK, goodnight.
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