Rainy day, especially heavy one, I quite fond of it. Hehe... Today going out to buy needs for our activities, and to get some unuse boxes at PJ. On the other hand, we have came out with the decision of the jimid and backdrop decorations, after all. Zen made two plane-like birds... Here's his product. Well, he looked so enjoy of making it. I've the proof that he is so happy today, but snapping photos as well.

ShiJian draws the little bookmarks for our dear lectures. Actually today we coursemate shall meet the lectures and say thanks to them, but many of us seemed can't make it. Hehe. So, hope it will be on tomorrow, maybe. Below is our head potraits, wow! So cute! Wuahaha. I like the way he draws me... Well, thanks to him.

I've a long time didn't wear contact lenses. This is my look today, hahaha, is it still possible to take photos since I've been rushing through this day? Maybe I'm not that busy, relax, take it easy. Looked weird...

What a time! Now on is song dedication, recently I've been listening to it. Quite a ballad, emotional and sad song, which is the type I'm preferring. Wuahaha.
戴爱玲 - 累格
你说 不是所有爱情 都能够酿成一首 流行歌
我说 不是所有分手 都能够再虚伪的 做朋友
反正爱情里头 谁先放弃 谁就是第三者
何必重蹈覆辙 爱已经累了 无法再负荷
你听了很多 你说了很多 你都没有错 错在我 太寂寞
谁居心叵测 谁存心搅和 不必再挑拨 我现在 只想撤
Let it go 别再说 Let it go 别挽留
得不到 断不了 谁又曾想过
闯进爱里头 心整个累格
有太多假设 有太多揣测 幻灭这一刻 任谁都 逃不过
从缠绵悱恻 到彼此沉默 爱情这首歌 你跟我 Key不合
泪已够 别再说 累已够 别挽留
Yawn, morning again. 06:18am.
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