I choose a nice title I think, which looks like encouraging to this brand new year. I really hope so I can have it, seriously and enjoy it to the most. Well, I feel like I've already became older, jumping to the age of twenty-one. I would like to make a long-listed wishes...
I hope this year I should know what is my aim, clearly, I want to get myself into studying. Sorry to say that, I become too sick of those activities that I have participated. I don't want it anymore. That can simply just just interrupt my normal (and desired) life. I realize that I'm not really a responsible guy who will put my effort on other thing beside me. Ya I know I'm selfish, and this one is truly honest. I may just put myself into it a little, I don't really want to trouble my fellow friends. I should take it seriously, think it thoroughly, before I decide to take part. Be mature, be smart. Use my time into where I think I should spend, and what should I do in this moment. I rather choose my enjoyable-dumd life, rather than occupied-stressed life. Why should I make myself into trouble... No answer. Good luck to all my friends who really spend their time on these activities. And good luck to me in my future studies.
I should get better in my networking, I mean social network. I hope that I can get more friends, no matter in university or outside. Of course, I mean potential friends. Hope that I will learn many more better characteristics from my friends. This is to lead myself into better way. Higher quality in behaviours. Wuahaha. I think I'm just the normal quality in this 2008 year, although I notice that I've changed a lot, really a lot. Looking through "last year", I change form a stupid speechless guy, become like now... Maybe compared to others, this change is just a little difference, but it is meaningful to me. Means that actually I'm not "destined" to be a quiet one. I'm sick of my last few year image, totally as I'm not exist in front of others. At least now, sometimes my friends will get to "see" me. That feels really great! Thanks to my friendsss, love x1000 for your care and concern.
Another things that is unchanged, is my emotion. I think my EQ in front of others is okay enough, just only when I'm "fully-charged". But when I'm down, then I really looked so bad, i don't want it to be, but emotion already control my thoughts. Yup, I wish I could have a change on it. Although this half year when I'm in university I seldom have emo-day... I think... So I must keep it up! Smile... Smile... And smile... Just like my roomate... He won't see this. Hehe. This is included in my communication skills. Saying about this is already making me bored, I've been talking this in my "annual diary" for few years. Talk more, quality topics, brave to speak out, etc... I wish to improve on it. Just maybe I just can't live without friends...
I think its time for me to revise back what have I done in this year... Two zero zero eight.
I remember that I have a good time working at Singapore at the stat of this year, since I go there after my STPM ends, and I "finally" get a job at around 20th of December I think. Quite late compared to my friends. That 31st I didn't go for any countdown as I've already go for Christmas one, nice experience, spray and push!... Sweat... First day of 2008 just simply starts, and my friends and I just work there, counting down the days to get out salary, that's the point. I like that place, that is a smart place. Direction plates are everywhere, bus-stops and MRT are essential and easily available. I work at Outram Park, and I can reach Chinatown easily. I get to buy Giordano and Bossini etc which seemed like cheaper. Actually I'm wrong, its just difference between RM and SG Dollar. I walk myself to many places when break times. Quite enjoyable. And I finally buy a new handphone which I have dreamt ever for half year, Nokia N76 at 23rd Jan. I remember that I only go home for three days for CNY that year, so sad. I did not get my working permit, that's why I should stop work at get back to Malaysia at 21th February. Haiz... I was planning to for half year, but... My birthday is also a normal day, just like other days, no cakes, but sure i get greetings from my friends, thanks. And I must state here, Aunt Kat really help me so much!
After getting back from Sg I becoming totally enjoy my life.. which equals to "waste money and waste time". But surely I'm too happy. I come KL for few times during in March, I think half of that month I stay here. Hanging out with friends, watch movie, karaoke etc... Just pass my life here and finally I use almost of what I've earnt at Sg... What a sad ending. Heart sweat and heartbreak, losing precious things and so on. That's March. Then my parents want me to work again, then I work as waiter at a reataurant at my hometown for two months. That job not really easy, but the salary is not up to the balance point.... Anyway, at least I can earn a bit and learn more things. That was the first time I serve in banquet, a scary and funny experience, and not one once. I have few nice friends over there, working together, and chatting together. Haha.
Ya I forget to tell that I get my STPM results in March. What a surprise plus shock! Not brilliant results but its already far from what I've expected. Then at around 20th June, my friends and I finally get to know the application results of where we will heading to continue studying, university. I get here, UM, and my friends are one by one getting UTM, UMT, UPM etc, and one is going to Maktab Perguruan, some are going to study in colleges. Last few days before I go into university, I come KL again and I decide to buy another handphone, SE K850i at 23rd June. Lastly enjoy my life of half year which no studies, and finally I go into here at 29th June.
Running through the most toughest days, orientation week, and those "memorable" moments I just don't feel like want to talk about it here. Where's my private time...? I need more rest. Du..du..du.. And what to continue is the time to build the friendship between me and my new friends who just meet here. Everything starts from zero. I meet many brilliant and smart people here, since I feel that coming here to study is just like I'm too lucky. I don't have many precious personalities, I'm just a normal guy who like to live my life full of entertainment. But its my pleasure to meet and get to know with them, I hope to know many great guys here, as I wish to learn may things from them. Frankly I feel that I'm too small and weak... I would not compare myself to others, but obviously there's a distance I can see. Same age, different experiences, cool. Well, and then I pass through this half year semester of studies. My first time to study at the other place, I need to suit myself in this new life, luckily I quite used to stay at KL... Wuahaha. Besides, I still need to cover my studies. Studying according variable timetables is a new studying type for me. Some more I still deal with group discussion, test, tutorials, labs reports etc... Before this I'm totally can rely on my friends on these kind of job, but now different a bit, luckily I still have my coursemates.
After few tests and a thing called "study-week"... then it comes to the final examination. I think I'm under pressure because of it. I don't feel like ready for that exam, and my results is not that good, can be better, as everybody says "this is first sem". I should have do it better, although my efforts is not that enough, I know I know. Haiz... Nothing much I can say, I can analysis some reasons, lazy is the most tough part. Suddenly many things come out from my mind... I should have... I should have... I should do... I think I know what I lack of. Get a change! Ok?
Another things is MMK, I think I have fun in it at the first. Such as marketing drive and outgoing, these really build relationship between me and batchmates and seniors. But when I just finish my final exam, I start to feel worry, I can't suit myself in, although I try to. The stayback I'm totally dispirited, sick of my life. Something goes wrong. Am I having the wrong decision to take part in it... Maybe I'll get benifit from it, before I get myself so unhappy. Never mind, I think I learn a lot, mentally. I must learn to consider much things before I make any decision, not to trouble others as well. I think my friends can see it on my face, written obviously.
My holiday just left two weeks at home, I have choir stayback and need to do activity things, and I'm so so lazy frankly. My plan isn't like this, I should have still on my vacation before I start to continue studying in this new semester. But I know, this is reality... I could say nothing, just counting down the days before Christmas, open semester and New Year, waiting my friends to end their holiday at home and come back here. I don't feel like sweet of it. Luckily I still keep on hanging out with friends, such as yesterday I'm going to countdown with Talung, actually we plan to meet with others from Second, but... what a big crowd there, and so messy. We can't make call and even send messages. Sweat... However, we just loitering around, pushing around, and spraying around. We buy ten tins of spray, but we don't have friends to have fun. Poor situation, so we just spray on others, when we walk pass. Quite a tired experience, and this is my first time to countdown at KL. We leave the crowd by 1am, and we walk and walk and walk, taking lrt and go back into college. Full of sweat, and then i chat with her til 6am. We are going to Sungei Wang to countdown but we don't meet at there... Never mind, have fun.
Finally I have finish writing, already few hours, just pass through meeting, waiting for so long. We just realize that we still have so much things to catch up, and still not settle. Bunches of things.... What time is this... I wish to go home... Wuahaha.
2nd Jan 2009